
Investing in our environmental and cultural heritage

Carbon footprint of MCB Ltd7

MCB’s Carbon footprint analysis in 2018 follows the GHG Protocol8. This approach identifies direct and indirect emissions sources related to MCB Ltd’s activities:

  • Direct GHG emissions: from sources that are owned or controlled by the Bank.
  • Indirect GHG emissions: are a consequence of the activities of the Bank, but occur at sources owned or controlled by another entity.

The GHG Protocol categorises GHG emissions caused by an organisation into three broad scopes. In accordance with this categorisation and considering the consolidation approach selected by MCB Ltd (control approach), our carbon footprint analysis is broken down into Scope 1 & 2 emissions. Additional Scope 3 emissions related to employee commuting and business travel are also included. This year, the Bank has extended its carbon footprint analysis to account for an estimation of the carbon emissions associated to its loan products i.e. Scope 3 – ‘Use of products’ category.

Asset 48Pcarbon footprintScope 3 - indirect Employee commuting Business travelUpstream supply chainDownstream supply chainMCBScope 1 - direct Offices Company car fleetScope 2 - indirect Purchased electricity steam heat and cooling for own useScope 3 - indirect Use of products i.e. MCB loans - Home loan - Consumer loan - Vehicles loan - Student loan - Capital investment - Construction works - Treasury - Stock purchases - Other loans

7 KPIs reported in this section relate to our banking operations in Mauritius only and cover the reporting period January to December 2018

8The Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, developed by World Resources Institute (WRI) and World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD), sets the global standard on how to measure, manage, and report greenhouse gas emissions. This standard is used by a diverse range of organisations, including many in the banking sector, and is widely accepted as best practice.

MCB Ltd GOAL: Be Carbon neutral by 2023 (Operations & Upstream supply chain)

In 2018, MCB released a total 18,413 tCO2eq, of which 13,338 tCO2eq are from Scope 1 and 2 sources. The remaining 5,075 tCO2eq are Scope 3 emissions related to employee commuting and business travel.

GHG emissions from Scope 1 and 2 sources have decreased by 18.9% between 2015 and 2018, while commuting and business travel GHG emissions have decreased by 4.3% over the same period. Furthermore, MCB’s GHG emissions intensity has decreased by 16.0% for Scope 1&2 and by 1.0% for Scope 3 over the last four years.

